The Harry Potter Role Play Website I Got for My 13th Birthday
Before I had this blog, I had a website. It was made by my mom for my 13th birthday, role-modeled after her own Harry Potter RP site. I though Magikal was a super cool website so when my mom made me I was super excited for all the fun times I could have with my friends. When it became apparent none of my friends were as interested in online Harry Potter Role Play as I was I quickly abandoned the site. Lost to time, with only a handful of members (four of which are just me with different names) I thought it had gotten taken down long ago. The last I had heard of it was when my long-time bff told me she had visited it in 2015. Hadn't really heard, or thought about it since. Until today. Pink Tiger was named after my favorite color, and favorite animal. So original, I know. The current members are Admin (my mom), DarkAngel (my long-time bff), Alice (a girl I used to go to school with who was more Angel's friend than mine), kittykat (Me), Paris (a character of...