Who Are You Calling A Prat?!
Pratt Institute is a very expensive College in New York that apparently really wants me to join them. They are also one T away from being a British insult. Prat noun informal 1. British an incompetent, stupid, or foolish person; an idiot 2. A person's butt A little education for you. Anyway this is the second time Pratt has sent me a letter. I really want to go too. The first time they sent me a letter the big, bold, yellow letters stood out to me: First to enter my mind was the thought "Who are you calling a prat!?" I was rather offended at first. I legitimately thought (for a very brief moment) that someone had sent me a letter purely to insult me. Looking at the address just confused me, who in Brooklyn New York thinks I'm a prat. Well evidently Pratt Institute thinks that I am Pratt material. I think I'm a Pratt too. The Good: My grand-mere offered to pay for me to go to College. The Bad: It's because me and my mom are to poor to afford ...