Tom Hiddleston Appreciation Time

What is beauty? Beauty is deeper than the skin. It reaches down to your soul (If you don't believe in souls then personality). Although no one is perfect everyone has their own beauty.

Actually one person is perfect.

Tom Hiddleston.

2018 Tom Hiddleston
2017 Tom HIddleston
2011 Tom Hiddleston

My introduction to Tom Hiddleston was seeing him as Loki in the Thor movies. I saw a glimpse of him in Thor: The Dark World. It was on a weekend with my dad. I never really remembered much of what happened to me on weekends with him but that's a whole other story. Anyway, I didn't really remember it much but here is the part I do (sort of) remember. The second time I was introduced was not to long after moving into my mom's friend's house. She showed me and my mom the first Thor movie and Avengers.
Here he is in the first Thor movie. He's so cute!
I just want to keep him he is so cute! Even though he was supposed be the villain in this movie I cared more for him than I did any other character in that movie. I mean...
My heart! He is (figuratively) killing me with that look.
Look at how much sass he has in one look, it's truly impressive.
Loki looking regal. Now in Avengers Loki is a little worse for the wear and has tipped from adorable Prince Loki of Asgard to the purest concentration of crazy, chaotic drama I have seen. My like for him wavered especially considering his questionable behavior...
Still pretty.

So about three months later, he just popped into my head. Suddenly I was like 'Dang, he' Why did I just notice this now?' Seriously I was just sitting around and he popped into my head like a song. I started getting into Loki. Becoming more of a fan, reading fan stuff that tried to justify Loki's reasoning for going coo coo bananas in Avengers. Lot's of things that really dug into the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) reasoning all of Loki's actions and whatnot. I slowly realized I was falling in love with a fictional character. Loki is in fact my first fictional character crush. Still is my crush. By no means did I understand my attraction at first but I had the hots for the God of Mischief™.

Loki was in fact Tom's big break. However he has been in many movies. Such as:

Thor: Ragnarok

As well as James Conrad in Kong Skull Island

He's actually really hot as an adventurer/soldier

He also has a part in War Horse:

Dang it Hiddles! At it again with the big blue eyes on the verge of tears! Stop breaking my poor heart
(My computer decided to Update and I don't like it! It's to round, dang it Microsoft)

At it again with the black hair in Crimson Peak:

I was going to include a pic of his butt because it was in the movie and is great, but I chickened out. He does have a great butt though... Just saying.

This post is really long so I'm probably going to have to do a Part Two on this. So stick around. 

More T. Hiddles Coming Up next on Disney Channel!


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