Back To School Senior Year Blues (And Ken Dolls)

Senior year. The time for nostalgia, hard-work, and applying for Colleges before November because that's apparently where the deadline is. It's also the year for Senior Projects. I feel doomed. Especially with the haunting failure of the last school year and this summer. Jeez, let's lighten the mood here. I made a post before this but where's my proper welcome back post?
That's more like it! Now cue the Jazz band, cake, and fireworks! Oh, Jimmy Fallon host of the Tonight Show, what are you doing here? Alright, alright, settle down people let's continue. So, my first week of school was this week. That's right my school starts on August 6th. When does it get out? June. And it starts at 7:15. My last school started fairly early but school started 7:45 and ended in May! Gosh darn it.

First week of school... What can I say? Well Rue is back and rides the same bus as me. Beautiful (and straight) as ever. I don't mind crushing on straight people though because liking someone is a beautiful experience that should be treasured. Unless they are a huge a-hole, then you shouldn't waste your time. I do have a new crush. And in doing so, realized I have a type. Because my mom has apparently already recognized my type(s) when I hadn't. Just like when I came out as Bisexual and she wasn't surprised as all. I'm not sure if she's 100% right about my type but... who am I kidding, I realized all my crushes have characteristics that tie together. I thought that my type had to be physical thing like hair or eyes but apparently no. I have a thing for surfer dudes. This post just got really weird.

Okay. So this guy I got a crush on 'Surfer Dude' is in my Senior Projects class and my Math class. He has blue eyes and kind of long (for a guy) blonde hair, tan, athletic, I could go on but I'll stop there. He was totally giving off a surfer dude vibe! This is the west coast though so what do you expect. Anyway, my Senior Projects teacher was giving him a hard time because of his long hair. At one the teacher said "Your not impressing the ladies with that" first of all, so what? Maybe he's not on the lookout for ladies. Secondly, it was definitely impressing me so that teacher was wrong. I like long hair, on guys and girls. Short hair is cute on both too, wear your hair however you want and rock it. Screw the haters! (Or rather, don't screw them. They don't deserve your bada**ery and rockin' style). So the more I thought about Surfer (that's his name now even though I don't know if he surfs, he does play soccer though, and I love soccer) the more attractive he seemed. When I got home and told my mom about my new crush she told me he sounded like my type. I was confused because I didn't think I had a type. She then proceeded to point out surfer dude traits my crushes had and I've been realizing a few too. Blue eyes, blonde hair, wavy hair, long hair, laid back, funny, outgoing, all  of these are traits my (guy) crushes have all shared (not all of them together. I don't just crush on guys with blue eyes and blonde hair). Then I remembered how I used to think my Malibu Ken doll was cute and all my Barbies wanted to be with Malibu Ken.
So here is pretty much my type. I was apparently a very impressionable child apparently. Not so impressionable that I thought Barbie and Ken were realistic FYI, but this was the Ken that all my Barbies had the hots for. I just looked it up and TOM HIDDLESTON CAN SURF! This explains everything. I didn't know he could get better but he did! I am 1000000% done.

My mom also has a theory about my type for girls. She has a theory that I like girls who are darker and boys who are lighter. I have liked darker boys and lighter girls so i'm not sure how accurate this is. I will say that a while after realizing that I was Bisexual I saw a model in Seventeen magazine for something or another and she was wearing swimwear and surfing. It was the part of the magazine where it's all about fashion and it debuts this model and is like here's her name and age and Instagram and I got a massive crush on her. My surfer type thing is weird because I don't really have a personal interest in surfing and don't even know how to swim. I had a couple of bad experiences as a kid and now I'm not sure I want to know how to swim. If I ever get a boyfriend or girlfriend though that loves to surf, I will support them completely. Whenever I get into a relationship I will support whatever my S.O. is passionate about, even if it's not a personal interest of mine. Of course I expect that support in turn as well. Relationships are about balance and honesty. Who am I to talk about relationships though? I've never really been in one, except for those 'boyfriends' I had before I knew the full extent of the term.

One time my mom talked to me about different types of relationships. A frame relationships, M frame relation ships, and H frame relationships. A frame relationships are where if one person leaves (not necessarily forever, but for a weekend or something) then the other is left unsupported and "falls over". An H frame is where if one leaves, maybe the other won't tip over completely because they have a support group of friends or something but they will still fall over. Finally she explains M frame relationships. M frame is that neither person needs the other to be supported. They stand on their own but are together, not because they need each other but because they want to be with the other. The best relationship to have is an M frame. Honestly it's good to be independent. If you rely on someone too much it can damage the relationship. Be in an M frame.

See you later Alligator!
(After a while Crocodile)


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