The Most Scandalous Thing I Have Ever Posted
I love music. I love listening to it, singing, and just overall music is great. I'm not as big a fan of music videos. However...
However. This music video both shocked me with how scandalous it is but I also liked it. Maybe you can guess why...
First though I'm going to show a random picture because the first pic I put in a post is the one everyone sees when they look at the post. I don't want to scare anyone off. Don't worry it isn't too crazy. No drugs or alcohol. The song is Lady Marmalade and oh goodness I'm getting flustered thinking about it. It's basically about a guy who visits a prostitute. So... But it's a good song I swear! I'm not a creepy perv okay. Why do I feel the need to defend myself right now? Geez Louise. Okay this is a one time thing nothing scandalous after this. This is my most scandalous post. If for some weird reason I get possessed and post something risque in the future I will warn you.
There, something wholesome before I bombard you with risque things. I hope you forgive me, here we go:
The music video is attractive women in lingerie. I might be overreacting. Anyway the video is them dancing and singing about a guy sleeping with a prostitute while dressed in lingerie.
Left to right: Lil' Kim, Pink, Maya, Christina Aguilera.
The first time I saw the music video I basically sat there with my jaw dropped and blushing. It took a couple minutes for me to function again. I was raised in a very conservative, Midwestern, small town. So seeing a group of attractive women in lingerie kind of broke me for a bit. Then I watched it again, and again, and again. I was both scandalized and intrigued even though I had read much more scandalous things in my mothers paperback romance novels. Seeing and reading are two very different things. This applies to... Sorry got distracted by the gif. I'm only human right? Right? The thing is, I might not be as (gets distracted by gif again) I don't know, touchy I guess? About the video if I had not had the notion that women couldn't be sexual or confident in their bodies burned into my brain by my dad and his side of the family as well as school and media. It's hard sometimes, maybe not for all girls but for me, to feel like sexuality is inherently wrong. Like I should be ashamed of liking women or ashamed of being attracted to people in a way that isn't just marriage. What am I doing? I didn't mean to get all deep I just wanted to show off a cool song and try to convince myself that I was overreacting to the shock the video causes me. I do like it. They are talented singers and dancers and the set is nice. A very well done music video. I dare say my second favorite music video? Well, maybe third actually. Yeah third. Anyway here are some more pictures and gifs.
That is french and it translates to "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Like I said scandalous. Scandalous just can't handle it! S-C-A-N-D to the A to the L-O-U-S Can't handle it! Can't handle it! Damn that girl she scandalous! That by the way is another scandalous song so beware and consider how much scandal you can handle. He he. How much scandal can you handle? I feel like that should be a slogan for something.
Here is Lil' Kim being fierce and gorgeous.
Here is Mya. I could watch this gif for days.
Christina Aguilera. What is up with her hair? Maybe it's a 2001 thing?
Pink. Oh boy. For one pink is my favorite color. Fun fact right there, second of all
I am deceased.
Anyway here is the music video for Lady Marmalade which was actually for the movie Moulin Rouge but I've never seen the movie and don't care about it. Why are they all attractive?! Even Christina with her crazy crimped hair? I both want to look like them and want to be with them. Save me! Actually don't. I like girls and am not ashamed of it.
See you guys later,
(People are back I need to hide so no one sees the gifs!)
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