Now That Break Is Over I Eat Like Garbage Again.

Tabitha Catherine Peering Out of Her Natural Habitat (circa 2019, colorized)

Over Winter Break I actually managed to start eating healthier. I wasn't as interested in hot dogs, PB&J, and Ramen. I started eating more fish, produce, and in general eating less processed meats. As well as seriously cutting down my carb intake. I also drank more water. Things were really looking up, I was also happier and started doing more activities that I used to enjoy (I enjoyed things again! Yayyy!)

Then school started again...

Today was my eighth day back and I am already eating like garbage and no longer finding fulfillment in activities I used to enjoy. Am I depressed? Nah...

Anyway school has been complete nooglarkishnagin

I couldn't think of a word so I made one up.

I do not even know how to encompass all the stress, anger, anxiety, and emptiness that school gives me into words. Maybe a blog wasn't my best decision, I think I've always had a hard time expressing myself with words. At least with writing I have enough time to think without feeling a bunch of pressure. So anyway, I meant for this to be a funny thing about me being a raccoon eating garbage but instead it's this. I haven't been able to say anything right today.

Oh well
Tabitha Catherine Eating Produce Over Winter Break (circa 2019, colorized)


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